
About Us

Bhutan is a country of south-central Asia, located on the eastern extreme of the great Himalayas. For many centuries, the outside world never has heard about Bhutan because sky-scraping frontiers wrapped, thus remain mystery on earth. Bhutan is one of only a few countries which has been independent throughout its history, never conquered, occupied, or governed by an outside power. The Kingdom of Bhutan is a sovereign nation sandwiched between the sovereign territory of two huge nations of the world, the People's Republic of China on the north and northwest, it shares approximately 477 kilometers of border with Tibet, the autonomous region.  In the south, southwest, and east it has Republic of India. In the Duars Plain to the south of the Himalayas range lies 699 kilometers long boundary with the Indian states of West Bengal and Assam, Bhutan also borders the Indian states of Arunachal Pradesh to the east and state of Sikkim in the southwest. The Republic of Nepal to the west, the India to the south, China on the north and the Union of Myanmar to the far southeast are  close neighboring countries of Bhutan.
Bhutan is uniquely situated to host one of the world’s most unique festivals. The spectacular natural sites of Bhutan, with the rich cultural and history, and the current relatively small tourist market combined create a powerful potential for a highly successful destination festival that will make Bhutan the most sought-after tourist destination in the world.
Destination festivals are a powerful tourist attraction, festival gives invaluable exposure and can create an international “buzz” resulting in significant amount of international press that generates a storm of magazine articles, books, TV and film documentaries about the country.
In this postmodern world of digital technology and rapid urbanization we are in some sense unmoored from our roots. In the times we live in “Marketability” is an unavoidable reality. Everything – including our culture, tradition and arts – needs to be marketed to people to help them reconnect with our roots.
World has had only a mere glimpse of the great Bhutanese music in store. There is so much more to come, more to be discovered, so much waiting and worthy of breaking through. Folk music and arts of Bhutan has immense potential and through this event people of the world will get a chance to see what is so far been sadly underrated and overlooked.
Ensure that our folk culture finds wider appreciation and audience- listenership and viewership- an effort has to be made to curate, preserve and preach this invaluable heritage.
Unveil the fascinating character of folk & traditional music of Bhutan, a major part of which still lies undiscovered.